June 30, 2021

7 qualities of a great security guard at events

The Chivalry Group prides itself on its private, corporate and entertainment event security. This includes event security not only in New Zealand and Australia but all around the world.

Whether it be private VIP events, major entertainment concerts or government conferences, we always push for the highest level of planning, implementation, and industry-leading best practice use.

We have extensive experience in delivering event security guard services and pride ourselves on being one of the leading event security companies in the industry.

We have the ability to develop and deliver bespoke security solutions for any type of event, having successfully done so for small private events and major events in excess of 57,000 people.

Of course, event security is about more than the hire of a security guard for an event.

It requires a multi-layered approach to security planning to protect the guests, property, and venue.

In this post, however, we want to focus more on the skills required to be an outstanding security guard at events. If you would like to find out more about our event security services beyond the security personnel themselves, be sure to check out our event security page.

Qualities of a great security guard

All our security team are highly trained to operate in a wide range of environments, from major concerts and sporting events to small private events that require a different level of service.

The skills required to carry out the role of event security at all types of events do not differ too much. A big part of being a great security guard is in the planning. It’s important to understand as much as you can about the type of event you are working on and the potential threats you might face during the course of that event.

From over-exuberant, drunken attendees to organised crime syndicates, our security team are trained to deal with all potential threats, and we work well in advance of the event to make sure we have all bases covered.

Planning helps you to anticipate potential threats and neutralise them as much as possible before the event even gets underway. There are of course things that cannot be planned for or anticipated and that’s where a quality security guard comes into his or her own. These are the primary skills we look for when recruiting security guards for events and the skills that we teach our event security guards once they join the team at The Chivalry Group:

Observation skills

Event Security Guard - Observation

A significant part of a security guards’ work is to observe if there is anything suspicious happening in their designated sector. Our event security team will typically be split into areas depending on the size of the venue and the number of guests and it is crucial that an event security guard is constantly vigilant.

They need to be focused and alert all the time.

Excellent observation skills allow them to notice irregularities and decide what the right reaction is. The key is to see the change in the surroundings and determine whether it is serious and requires support from the supporting team or emergency services.

It’s also crucial for a good security guard to pay attention to details and stay vigilant to any safety breaches or dangerous behaviour.


Along with excellent observation skills, a security guard must be able to make good judgement calls about whether something is a legitimate threat, and if it is a threat, how big it is. Rationality relies on making sense of each aspect of the situation and being able to predict how it will play out.

A big part of this comes down to training and experience. Our team at The Chivalry Group bring with them years of experience when it comes to event security and the protection of VIPs and individuals. This experience allows our security team to make rational decisions based on past experiences. They can understand the potential threat and quickly assess whether that threat is credible, allowing them to make an informed decision about the next steps.

For new members of the security team, and even for experienced security guards, ongoing training is essential to keep the mind sharp and we practice real-life situational training in order to keep our staff focussed and allow them to make the right calls when they are put into the field.

Honesty and integrity

Honesty and integrity are not qualities that can be learned, so any employer highly appreciates them. Security guards will often work independently as well as part of a team, taking responsibility for the security of not only the hosts at an event, but everyone attending.

Event security guards are tasked with managing access to events, and as a consequence, play a huge role in maintaining the overall safety of an event. For this, they need to be trustworthy and reliable as any slip in judgement could put a number of people at risk.

It’s challenging to check the honesty and integrity of a person when recruiting them for a job. These are qualities that are only visible after working with a guard for some time. However, to reduce risk, security agencies do thorough background checks before they employ someone.

Leadership and teamwork

Although event security guards are rarely seen in groups, in many cases, they work in teams to ensure that the perimeter of a venue is completely secure. This involves knowing when to assert yourself, and when you need to follow the orders of someone else. In doing so, your team will be able to work efficiently.

Strong leadership quality is another trait of an excellent security guard. Contrary to popular opinion, the ability to lead is closely related to teamwork skills. They are actually complementary, as every team or even a task needs a leader who will manage it. The ability to lead is also required for crowd management and any kind of emergency where security guards need to guide people through a dangerous situation.

At any given event, a threat in your sector or the area you are managing could mean that you are required to step up and make important leadership decisions about the next steps that could impact not only your own team but the event as a whole. We teach leadership skills as an important element of our training for all security personnel.


Event Security Guard - Communication

Whether you are working as part of a team, or individually, an event security guard must be able to communicate with articulation and comprehension. This extends to employees, management, clients and – if necessary – law enforcement bodies.

Good communication skills are priceless in every aspect of a security guard’s job. They are necessary when the guards work in a team, cooperate with emergency services, resolve issues at work, and even in everyday contact with their colleagues and managers.

In every situation that includes contact with other people, security guards must be respectful and empathetic. The ability to talk to people and understand their point of view can be a key to solve even the most complicated issues and, in consequence, prevent many threats. In fact, in most cases, calmness and courteous conversation is the most effective solution.

Another important aspect of good communication is the reputation of the brand they represent. That could be The Chivalry Group but it could also be the event organisers themselves. The way security guards deal with the general public at events, as well as VIPs and other important personnel linked to the business, reflects both on us as a business and on the event as a whole. That’s why it’s vital that they are friendly, professional, and ready to help or simply give information and directions.

Physical fitness

The ability to maintain high levels of physical fitness is a crucial quality of any security guard as it is likely that they will be very active throughout their working day.

There may be occasions where a security guard must patrol a large area or outrun a criminal attending an event. Our event security guards are healthy and physically reliable, enabling them to defend themselves as well as their clientele when required.

Security officers should exercise regularly and care about their diet because only then will they be able to defend themselves and ensure the safety of others in case of emergencies.

At The Chivalry Group, physical fitness training is part of our training programme for all our security team and an essential element of all security services we offer.


A good security guard needs to have the ability to focus. This skill is crucial for outstanding event security as there will often be times when there is little to do in the build-up to the event starting and then a number of hours where focus is crucial as missing something can lead to a potential threat becoming a reality.

We have seen this happen at major sporting and music events. Security guards can get distracted by what’s happening out on the field or on stage and miss something crucial happening in the audience.

That’s the last thing you want to happen.

That’s why a big part of our event security guard training is aimed at ensuring our team can maintain focus at all times in order to prepare them for major events where a lot of things can be going on at any given time and there are potentially a lot of distractions. That’s exactly what any prospective threat wants – distractions – so we work hard to ensure we can recreate these environments and train our security team to remain focussed at all times.


A great event security guard needs to have the knowledge and experience necessary for this job. But there are also certain qualities that he or she should possess if they want to perform their security guards’ tasks better. These include honesty, integrity, and observation skills. Communication skills, empathy, and a conciliatory attitude are essential, too, as they help security guards effectively resolve issues and prevent threats.

Find out more about our event security services or get in touch with the team at The Chivalry Group today to talk about your security needs.

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